Upcoming hospitalfocus 2015 forum:  Thursday, February 28th from 6pm-7pm at the Senior Center inside the Driggs Community Center on Main Street in Driggs.

TVHC introduces Hospital Focus 2015, a program designed to define the vision, build a plan to achieve it and ensure that the community is engaged in the process. 

Why 2015? We need to build a realistic plan based on projections that aren’t likely to change in the near future.  Five years is too far away and one year is too close.

  • How many public forums will be held?  As long as we continue to receive your input and interest, we'll continue scheduling forums.
  • How will the public participate?  If you can’t come to any of the forums, you may share in the conversation through our Facebook page, website or newspaper updates.  You may also email hospitalfocus2015@tvhcare.org with specific questions and comments.  As we move ahead with the forums and gain insight from participants, we’ll be able to learn more ways to connect with our community at large.
  • Why now?  Changes in the delivery of healthcare, governmental and private insurance and trending in public health priorities require that every healthcare organization plan for the future.  Small critical access hospitals such as ours must be even more diligent in meeting community health needs while holding onto operational health. 

NEW! Questions & Answers about our conversion to a private nonprofit 501(c)(3) - January 2013  


We thank those who attended our forums or contacted us directly with your comments.  We've learned that you want to know more about federal healthcare reforms and how those new laws will affect you and our hospital.  We've learned that you are interested in telemedicine and how it may be used to help expand services such as oncology, cardiac care and mental health counseling.  We understand that our lack of obstetrics as a service line is concerning to many, and that you would like to know how you can become more involved in the direction of your local healthcare system. 

We will begin hosting more forums to show you what we've done in response to your suggestions.  Remember, you don't have to wait for a forum date to share your thoughts.  Just contact us at hospitalfocus2015@tvhcare.org!

Our Mission

Teton Valley Health Care promotes the health of the community by delivering quality, patient-centered medical services with compassion, integrity and respect.

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Contact Us

E-Mail: info@tvhcare.org
Phone: 208-354-2383
120 East Howard Avenue - Driggs, ID 83422